National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education, NACTE Pakistan
MESSAGE By Chairperson, NACTE, Islamabad
Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood

Prof. Dr. Nasir Mahmood

Teaching, often hailed as the noblest profession, lays the foundation for all other professions. Yet, in our context, it is not the primary choice of our graduates. The pivotal McKinsey & Company Report (2007) identified three common factors in high-performing school systems worldwide: the recruitment of the right individuals into the teaching profession, their development as effective practitioners, and the delivery of top-notch pedagogy to every child in the classroom. This report emphatically stated that the "quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers". Today's educators have transitioned from being mere knowledge transmitters to facilitators of knowledge construction, reflecting a paradigm shift necessitating their rigorous preparation through pre-service teacher education programs aligned with National Professional Standards for teachers.

Recognizing the need for professionally competent, communicative, compassionate, and critically reflective educators, the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad, has transformed pre-service teacher education programs across the nation. New programs like the two-year Associate Degree in Education (ADE) and the four-year Bachelor of Education-Honors (B.Ed. Hons) have been introduced. HEC has also outlined a roadmap for teacher education, offering alternative pathways to cater to diverse needs.

In the pursuit of quality assurance for teacher education programs, HEC established the National Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (NACTE) in 2006. The Council has developed comprehensive National Accreditation Standards, Tools, and Procedures, accrediting over 500 teacher education programs delivered through Face-to-Face teaching and learning modes in both the public and private sectors. Beyond accreditation, NACTE plays a crucial role in providing professional and intellectual support to teacher education institutions, guiding them in documentation preparation for accreditation and enhancing the quality of their programs. Accreditation, an evaluation process based on National Accreditation Standards, is carried out collaboratively by Council evaluators who are seasoned teacher educators and researchers from both public and private education sectors. This feedback-driven process ensures program improvement.

We are also in the process of revising and updating the National Accreditation Standards to encompass teacher education programs delivered through Open Distance Learning and Online systems, recognizing their increasing relevance in challenging and normal circumstances alike.
In the globalized world of the knowledge economy and the fourth industrial revolution, teaching has become increasingly complex and demanding. Our teacher education programs must evolve to produce educators who are tech-savvy, well-versed in modern educational trends and stakeholder expectations, and professionally and intellectually equipped to develop contextually-relevant and responsive pedagogies. This transformation is vital to prepare our young generation as independent and self-regulated learners, creative critical thinkers, and effective problem solvers. It aligns with the Learning Framework of the 21st Century and the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, allowing us to effectively tackle national and global challenges.

We look forward to your ongoing cooperation and support in accrediting teacher education programs delivered through various modes. Together, we can elevate the quality of teacher education programs and make the teaching profession the preferred choice for our graduates.

Let us work hand in hand to create a brighter future for education in our nation and to make teaching profession a first choice of our graduates!


Level-wise and Province-wise Accreditation View.


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